
“AquaStretch™ may be the most important new wellness modality developed in the last 50 years.”  Jack Anstandig, M.D, (Specialty: Neurology)

This aquatic myofascial release technique is performed in shallow water to free fascial adhesions that restrict your flexibility and may cause pain on movement.

With assistance your body can stretch into positions not possible on land, and can hold stretches there for much longer. Pressure is also applied in the fascial adhesions to help the release. In the comfort of water your body can get a faster release as it is easier to identify and stretch fascial restrictions more effectively when your body is submerged.  During some of these stretches you will be using weight attached to your ankles; this is one of the ways AquaStretch™ is different from other techniques.


So, what is AquaStretch™?

AquaStretch™ is essentially an assisted stretching in water but more technically AquaStretch™ is an aquatic myofascial release (MFR).  It has two main purposes: to restore flexibility, and to obtain symmetrical movement.

Although it can be used medically as a form of physical therapy, AquaStretch™ was primarily developed as a fitness & wellness modality. This technique is often used by athletes to restore flexibility, increase wellness, motivation and training efficiency, decrease muscle soreness and tension, get loose, and, improve sports performance.

Participants of AquaStretch™ sessions as a wellness program have reported a reduction in chronic pain, profound relaxation, improved sleep, a feeling of looseness and mobility, and an increase in their range of motion.The most amazing about this technique is that participants can start to feel better since the first session.

People with the following conditions have also felt better with AquaStretch™:

  • Injuries caused by over use                    *Plantar fascitis
  • Sciatic Pain                                                 *Chronic Back Pain
  • Knots due to stress                                   *Scar Tissue
  • Stiffness after Joint replacements          *Post Surgery
  • Chronic Pain Syndrome                            *Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia                                               *Chronic pain in foot, knee, hip, shoulder or neck
  • Tennis Elbow

“AquaStretch quickly demonstrated supremacy in clinical effectiveness. I currently use AquaStretch about 80% of the time and traditional aquatic therapy methods about 20%”.  Jessica J. Huss, DPT, CCI, Vice-President, Education, American Physical Therapy Association (APTA ), Aquatics Section

Monica Gutierrez, AquaStretch™ Myofascial Release Facilitator and Instructor in Austin,Texas


  1. Thank you Monica for the Aqua Stretch session! You are amazing! After one session, my shoulder feels much better and I have better range of motion. My arthritic knee is also much better with less pain and more flexibility. I look forward to more sessions in the future.

  2. I had heard so many rave reviews about Aquastretch- I knew I needed to try this. I was amazed at how quickly I felt improvement. I am a work in progress – but I will definitely be seeing Monica as I move back toward normal motion again.

  3. Monica is amazing! After being frustrated with my physical therapist, I decided to trade the PT appointments for Monica’s Aquastretch sessions to help with my hip issues. Wow! I love the Aquastretch approach and combined with Monica’s experience, I have to say, I am thrilled with the results. I am so lucky to live in the area and will continue to incorporate sessions with Monica to keep my pain away!!

  4. I didn’t learn of Monica and AquaStretch until my final day at the spa. Had I known I would have booked an appointment everyday! Monica did an amazing job taking care of my pains and allowed my body to truly begin to heal. I would definitely use her again and again. I just don’t live in Austin. She is worth a trip back!

  5. I had my first aquastretch session with Monica today! I can’t believe the difference in how my body feels. I went to see Monica to try and relieve some lower back pain from stress. What I discovered is how tight my whole body was!! Monica has a sixth sense about finding the spots in your body holding the tension and releases it. The most important part of this session is being in the water with her and having her move your body. The water combined with her skills and tools that go deep into your fascia bring your body a sense of relief like nothing else can do. This relief can be from pain, tightness or just tension due to living our lives in the fast lane continuously. It’s like an underwater massage and stretch class combined in a peaceful setting… in water where you can be buoyant and relaxed. There is nothing like it and I highly recommend this. As I age I see this as a monthly tuneup to keep my body flexible and release stuck energy to help keep me aging gracefully!

  6. What a wonderful healing technique Mony has. I have suffered from excruciating back pain from Long Covid since the end of January. I’ve since had three treatments from Mony – a brilliant communicator, with capable, strong healing hands who leads you through the stretches. I stepped out of the pool the first time with NO PAIN. Last night I had another treatment, and today my body feels “loose”, balanced, relaxed, pain free. This treatment is seriously underused – Mony has freed me from sciatica and plantar fasciitis, a stiff IT band, and most recently pain from Long Covid. I highly recommend Mony!!!

  7. What a productive, therapeutic, relaxing way to stretch, release, and be relieved of pain and discomfort. I recently had a couple of sessions with Monica, and was amazed at her ability to release long-term tightness in my back and hip in such non-obtrusive, easy movements. While the water is definitely instrumental in the healing process, Monica is skilled, knowledgeable, and caring, and has a very soothing, peaceful soul that makes the whole therapy a true highlight of the day!

  8. Thank you for helping my shoulder pain! It’s been the most beneficial therapy I’ve done for it.

  9. Monica’s technique is extraordinary! I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 1997 and have gotten only limited relief from the typical treatment modalities. After one session with Monica, I felt better than I have in 20+ years. She knows exactly how to release even the most stubborn trigger points with minimal discomfort. She is a highly skilled and caring practitioner. I feel so lucky to have found her and I would recommend her to anyone struggling with chronic pain. She is remarkable!

  10. The myofascial release under water with Monica was simply incredible! It helped me regain flexibility and mobility I had lost with my arm/shoulder injury in one single session!

  11. I have had 4 knee surgeries and 2 of them were on the same knee less than a year apart. I am about a year out of the second surgery and after 18 months of PT, constant stretching, and working with a personal trainer to rebuild my muscles, I still have limited range of motion. My doctor said I just probably would not get complete flexion back. Fortunately, I’m not big on giving up, and upon scheduling a trip to Austin Spa and Retreat for some much needed R&R, I heard about Monica’s amazing results with Myofascial Massage. I had two private sessions with Monica, and for the first time in years, I could actually grab my foot for a quad stretch!!! I can’t believe just two sessions and I am finally making progress again!!! Thank you Monica!!!! I am so impressed with my results, I am actually looking into getting certified!!! This is life changing!

  12. I suffer from chronic neck pain due to some compressed disk and she was able to release that pain and as I sit here and type this I am completely pain free. I did the 50 minute, next time will do the 70 minute. Will definitely do this again!

  13. For sure take the Aqua Stretch class with Monica Gutierrez or visit her if you live in Austin. Your body will feel better forever with her help.

  14. I had an Aquastretch session with Monica. It was exceedingly helpful in relieving back and leg pain and showing me some useful stretches while in the pool. AquaStretch is a series of in-water stretches to help with tight muscles and nerves. We used some flotation devices and ankle weights for some stretches, but most were equipment free. Well worth the time.

  15. I joined an aqua aerobics group hosted by Mony to continue with my recovery from an accident. After my first few sessions of water aerobics, I was beginning to feel discouraged and frustrated because of my lack of strength, balance, and coordination. Mony encouraged me to keep trying. Unbeknownst to me, she saw the struggles I was having with the exercises. She encouraged me to consider an Aqua Stretch session to release the fascia that was causing the tightness and lack of strength I was experiencing. After that first session I was amazed at how much better I felt – more relaxed and confident in walking and doing routine tasks that were hard for me to perform. Mony is awesome and a gifted professional in her field. I’m looking forward to my next session with her.

  16. Monica – It was literally like watching magic happen when she would work on people. I have to admit that if I wasn’t at that first class and then a private lesson, I wouldn’t believe it but every single person walked out of that class with a body part that was fixed.

  17. My husband and I went for a little peaceful, serene getaway while the kids were at camp. The highlight for me was aquatic myofascial release with Monica Gutierrez! If you have any pain anywhere in your body, you have to try it. I have chronic hip pain, and walked away from a one-on-one with Monica NOT feeling my hip at all, for the first time in forever!

  18. I highly recommend scheduling a session with Monica with her aquatic myofascial release sessions. She is literally a miracle worker, erasing so many tight areas of your body with simple movements under the water.

  19. Monica,
    I cannot say enough about my experience! I had no idea what to expect from aquastretch myofascial release and so during my first trip to Lake Austin Spa Resort last week I scheduled an individual session on a whim, basically, to see what was all about. I wish there had been time for a couple more sessions! For weeks before my trip, I was worried about a growing restriction of motion in my arms and feet, fearing the worst (of course). One session with you and my muscles and joints were again opening up, stretching the way they should and I was feeling great! Now, I wish I had a pool at home so I could continue doing the stretches and exercises you showed me. Since I don’t have one, I will do as much as I can on dry land. I will also be researching facilities and providers in my area to see if anyone can do what you do so well. Thank you, so very much!

  20. I broke my shoulder and had to rest my arm (and body) for considerable time before I coukd start Physical Therapy. The PT specialist said if I strengthened these particular muscles then I would have better range of motion and less pain. I couldn’t stretch the muscles without pain and i was so frustrated! Mony made me wait until the break was completely healed and in one session I felt so much better. The next day I had PT and the specialist said I had made great gains! This technique is truly amazing and I highly recommend it. Mony is so experienced and professional!

  21. In early March I experienced a back injury that caused sciatica. The pain was so bad that I could barely get out of bed and walk! I had heard of the unique experience of a myofascial release to help with this injury from a friend. Luckily, I live in Austin as, Lake Austin Spa is one of the few places in the world that offers this amazing experience. Once my doctor cleared me to receive this service I booked an appointment with Monica. It has been a week since my appointment, and I have been pain free!
    When I arrived at the spa I was greeted by the most friendly staff and given a tour of the beautiful facility. For my service I got into the warm pool, and Monica guided me to on some special stretches and used a special tool to loosen my muscles to help release my pinched nerve. As soon as I stepped out of the pool I felt looser and I had no pain! With that being said I was able to enjoy all the lovely amenities that the spa provides. From the delicious lunch, and time spent on the gorgeous property, I felt pampered, relaxed, and refreshed! Lake Austin Spa is truly a special place for me now. I will be coming back soon!

  22. Myofascial release was an eye opening experience for me. The use of a water environment provided a much greater range of motion and stretching positions during our session. I also enjoyed Monica’s positive attitude during the session. Thank You Monica

  23. Like so many testimonials previously posted, I had an amazing experience with Monica at Lake Austin spa. I did not expect immediate results and so much fluidity in my joints that were previously stiff and sometimes painful. I’m very interested in finding someone in my hometown who is trained in this treatment option. Why waste more time with traditional physical therapy that seems so much more limited in its results.

  24. I am an AquaStretch facilitator in Katy, a suburb of Houston. I have clients who have been to Monica and they all “sing her praises”! Thank you Monica for helping so many people and for introducing many to AquaStretch.

  25. Thank you, Monica! I had no idea what to expect from the Myofascial Release Technique. I am thrilled with the results:. my neck and jaw (TMJ issues) have increased range of motion and less tension! This experience has opened my eyes to the benefits of Aquastretch. I already have my next session lined up! Thanks again!

  26. I had a beautiful release with Monica during an aqua treatment with her. It was unexpected release in my hip area and when she did her magic, tears flowed. I’ve been on an intentional healing journey this year with major life transitions and not just her water therapy skills but Monica’s healing presence and approach that is a miracle and so filled with grace.

  27. I was looking to alleviate left hamstring soreness when I had an aquastretch session with Monica. What I received was so much more! She identified other areas in my body where I was tight and/or areas where I carry my stress. I had no idea! After one session, my hamstring was no longer sore, and I felt immediate improvement in my range of motion in my legs, hips and shoulders. Monica is a healer with a magic touch! I highly recommend her to anyone with any type of aches and pains, anyone in need of physical rehab from an injury, or anyone who needs stress relief.

  28. I saw Monica one time and in just one 50 minute session she helped relieve tightness in my neck, shoulder, and hip. I only wish I lived closer so that she could work on the rest of my body! Monica also gave me tips that I could use at home which were really insightful.

  29. I had a personal session at Lake Austin Spa last week. I just wanted to reach out and let you know that at the end of last week I was definitely feeling looser, easier to move, my legs and lower back. Thank you so much!

  30. Had a wonderful experience at Austin spa with a fascia water class. Our instructor Monica asked us what our major concerns were & after just going through chemotherapy I told her I developed neuropathy in my left middle toes. She taught me how to put pressure on those areas of my toes & the numbness & discomfort has disappeared. I am forever grateful for the experience I had with Monica.

  31. I was having tightness in my lower back. The tightness was causing severe pain. Getting out of bed each morning was getting more difficult. I had a session with Monica. She was able to release the tension in my lower back. She also found other areas that I didn’t even realize were tight. I had immediate pain relief. I continue to be pain free and moving better. Monica is very caring and gifted.

  32. My right shoulder started to hurt. I had no clue why, perhaps age, perhaps I was exercising too hard. I made an appointment with Monica. She found numerous areas in my back and shoulder that were “stuck” and released all of them. I got relief! Later I realized I was sleeping on it wrong.which must have caused the issue. I added a small second pillow to increase the space between my head and my shoulder and the pain has not returned. I would still have pain if Monica hadn’t treated me! She can work wonders!

  33. Monica is amazing! I have a fairly limited range of motion in my hips due to surgery, fascia tightness, muscle tightness, and pretty bad knee pain. After just one session I noticed an immediate difference in my range of motion. Walking the next day felt smoother and the pain in my knee was reduced. After the second time, I was able to walk over 2 miles with my dogs and feel no pain in my hips or knee. I am looking forward to the next time!

    Thank you, Monica!

  34. Monica is extremely skilled and passionate about her work. Like others here, I did the free class where she released one shoulder. I immediately arranged a private session.

    In that session, she worked my entire body and left me feeling amazing with much enhanced range of motion and pain gone.

    I highly recommend Monica

  35. I had the good fortune to meet Monica at Lake Austin Spa. In a group class she spent a little “demo” time working on an old shoulder injury of mine and made remarkable progress enhancing my range of movement. The next day I had a private session with her and the improvement continued with my shoulder, hips, back, and neck. I cannot recommend her work too highly.

  36. All five of us participating in Monica’s class had amazing, immediate results. Fortunately, I did a private session with her, and that was even more helpful. I have had numerous treatments for neck, back and leg pain, and I am also trained as a body psychotherapist, and Monica’s approach, competence, and actual treatment is the best I have ever received. Besides that, she’s got a very caring, patient, and articulate demeanor. I would see her regularly if I lived nearer.

  37. I am 27 years old, 6 ft tall, and have scoliosis. Usually it doesn’t affect me, but there are some days where I have had a lot of pain, some just feel like “knots”, and others where I felt like I couldn’t move at all. It felt paralyzing, and I couldn’t turn my head right or left since my neck felt so stiff.

    One more thing is that, on the outside, the scoliosis is not that noticeable, except when getting a haircut or on picture day where people think I’m not sitting straight.

    Anyway, after only one 2-hour session with Monica, little by little, all of the tension and stiffness in my muscles or the fascia (as she explained), started to leave me and I had way more range of motion! I felt more flexible than I have ever have (I’ve never been able to touch my toes, but could now reach much lower). I felt much taller after the treatment, and while my spine is technically still crooked, I felt much more “centered” and aligned down the middle than I ever have in my life! I didn’t realize what being centered even felt like, because I had gotten used to being “crooked” for at least these past 10 years.

    So, thank you Monica!

  38. Once again, Monica worked her magic on me in the pool at the lake Austin Spa pool. She used the myofascial release technique on my back, neck, shoulders, hips, and even my hands and feet. I get more benefit from her treatment than any other form form of massage or other that I have ever had. It is worth the drive from Lake Charles, Louisiana, just to see her! Thanks so much, Monica!!

  39. I had my second treatment at Lake Austin Spa with Monica in the Pool Barn! It was just as wonderful as the first one, 6 months ago!
    She knows exactly which spots need “loosening” and I loved the whole experience! Wish I could see her more often!

  40. Thank you for such a healing session last week Monica! I feel fluid and free. Your work is so effective in bringing movement back into the stuck areas!

  41. I did the intro class with Monica in June 2021 and was so happy to have a full session with her that afternoon. I had fabulous successful results with my hip flexibility and am trying to go back for another session soon. I have never had such great results with such painless therapy!

  42. Monica’s session of myofascial release was a life changer for me. Monica worked magic on two areas of pain; a chronic hip pain/tightness and a recent arm/shoulder intense pain. I fully meant to post this right after my June 10th session and now, since it’s almost a month later, I can attest to the fact that I am still pain free and more flexible. Thank you, Monica!

  43. I attended an introductory session conducted by Monica Gutierrez recently and was intrigued by what I heard. Having had serious skeletal injuries that have resulted in multiple surgeries over 3 decades, I have suffered chronic pain and degradation of mobility. Traditional physical therapy and medical treatments have been largely ineffective. After listening to Monica I was anxious to try the aquastretch method. The most important thing I learned was that the fascia is impacted or damaged every time it is disturbed – especially during surgical events.

    The affect and results of my aquastretch sessions were astonishing to me. I could not believe how much my range of motion improved and a dramatic reduction in pain. My wife told me afterwards this was the first time she had seen me walk normally in many years. Even my sleep improved.
    This was the best I have felt in many, many years.
    Monica is remarkably skilled in this technique and I recommend aquastretch and Monica without reservation if you are dealing with chronic pain and mobility challenges.
    Thank You Monica for improving my life and outlook!

  44. Thank You Monica for your the personal time you spent showing me and my husband how to use myofascial release in the water how to to relief my pain and have greater movement. I am definitely going to look for therapists in NW Arkansas and hope that this area of speciality will grow. One hour in the water with you gave me more help than any 6 month round of pelvic therapy ever has in 26 years! I am definitely going to continue movements you taught me. May your practice continue to grow and may God bless you for your care and commitment to help others.

  45. I’ve been suffering from a leg weakness/imbalance that has has been affecting my ability to walk. After only 2 sessions, I have a lot of improvement, with increased mobility in my hips and better connection from hip to foot. I’m also no longer experiencing hip pain while sleeping.

  46. Mony,
    I can’t say this enough, but your aquastretch techniques changed me. For the past three years, I’ve been going to different therapeutic centers in hopes of relieving the buildup tension in my right hand. Nothing worked and frankly, I believed that I was never going to regain the ability to move my hand like I used to. In under an hour, you made me believe I could and I am forever grateful. It’s been 2 days since my session and fortunately, the tension hasn’t returned.
    Thank you!

  47. Monica, I can’t say enough about how much my session with you at Lake Austin Spa released and relaxed my tense shoulders. I’ve been to chiropractors, gotten massages and have done months of yoga but one hour with you released the fascia which, in turn, has given me more mobility and less tension. THANK YOU!

  48. Monica with the stretching in the pool barn was exceptional! This service will bring us back.

  49. On a whim, I took a session with Mony for her Aquastretch Myofascial release technique and felt wonderful and so much looser afterwards. The active technique seems like it works so much better than the passive table method and reminded me more of a thai massage but more intense,easier range of motion and with more feedback being able to give to the practitioner. I would definitely get another in the future and would recommend this to anybody who deals with chronic tightness in any area.

  50. Monica is a wonderfully experienced and compassionate healer.
    I had two myofascial water release treatments during my stay at Lake Austin Spa.
    My body felt so much better, at ease and fluid.
    I highly recommend Monica and I am grateful to have found her.

  51. Monica,
    The team cannot stop talking about how wonderful your demo was! We all feel like we learned so much about Myofascial and your services. Thank you again for taking the time to educate our team and demonstrate the healing power of water! You are such a treasure and we can’t wait to tell our guests all about what you do.

    Warm Regards,

  52. We hear the rave reviews from 100’s of guests through the years and KNOW what you do works! Thank you for being such an amazing provider!

  53. My feet were hurting at night. In fact, the pain was intense enough to wake me up from a sound sleep. I scheduled an aquastretch session with Mony. In one session, my feet felt so much better I forgot to wear my orthotic insoles! What relief! She also relieved the pain in my elbow (tennis elbow), and found places in my neck where I was holding tension. I am definitely a believer in myofascial release!

  54. I had a session from Monica which gave me significant improvement in movement of my rotator cuff. She is knowledgeable and very good at aqua Mio fascial massage. Highly recommend!

  55. Monica is amazing!
    I really recommend to do therapy sessions with her.
    She helped with my pain, and I felt much better after the first session.


  56. Monica is fantastic. I was diagnosed with a pinched nerve in my left shoulder, and have used both Physical Therapy and Aqua Stretch to work on the issue. Monica can quickly find the pain point and works with you to alleviate the pain and restore better mobility. Being in the pool relaxes you even more, allow for a really nice comfortable stretch. You should really give it a chance, you’ll go back again as I have. Tony

  57. Monica is the best! I just had my first Aqua Stretch session w/Monica yesterday to (primarily) work on my left knee, due to a torn meniscus. Water is the key! I highly recommend Monica’s Aqua Stretch sessions!

  58. I just want to give my highest compliments to you, Monica, for the Aqua Myofascial release treatment you gave me at Lake Austin Spa. I feel like it was kind of a breakthrough on the stiffness I’d been having in my neck and leg. Thank you. I wrote an article about my experience at Lake Austin Spa and I mention you. Please share it! Thank you and I hope to see you again soon!

  59. Aquastretch myofascial release by Monica is fantastic. If she lived in Houston, I would see her on a regular basis for myofascial release. Everyone could benefit from this treatment. Thanks Monica!

  60. I discovered Aqua Stretch while staying at Lake Austin Spa Resort. I had 2 sessions with Monica. She worked out knots in my shoulder, back and leg areas that regular massages were unable to do without a lot of pain. Getting the knots out now allows me to maintain good posture. She’s a blessing, check her out..

  61. Monica helped me with lingering pain from a foot injury & surgeries. The relief was immediate and my range of motion increased. I only wish I lived closer to see her again.

  62. Dearest Monica,
    I just wanted to say thank you so very much for all of your help with the Aquastretch training. I truly appreciated your professionalism and support and especially your endless patience with me. I really enjoyed every minute with you. I feel that I learned very much from you and am more confident on using the Aquastretch method.
    Please if you ever want to come to the Holy land you and your husband are more than welcome anytime and we would love to host you as our guests!
    Take care and all the best,

  63. Monica,

    I appreciate the information and treatment while at Lake Austin. I believe the benefits of the aqua stretch are great. You mentioned sharing the names of other providers performing a similar service. Would you please share with me, especially anyone in the Nashville, TN area.

    Thank you,

  64. I had 2 sessions with you early January. I was the one who came from Dallas. I said I would let you know how effective the treatment was…I was very discouraged at first because the pain continued for 5 days after therapy. But I started to feel a positive change in the 6th day. It did not take the issue away but it headed it in the right direction. The fascia started to become more pliable. I could probably use a few more treatments. Please let me know if you come to Dallas any time soon!

    Thank you!

  65. Monica
    I had two sessions with you at lake Austin spa and one was specifically for my foot plantar fasciitis.
    I would like another treatment ( my foot miraculously is almost pain free) and a friend of mine would like a treatment. We are in Dallas but can travel to you. Can you let me know your schedule?

  66. I had a session with Monica that informed me of how my body has held onto the trauma of my childhood, in a way that no other therapy has been able to show. It brings together the emotional and physical aspects of trauma in a kind, loving, and safe space. She is so wise and allows these moments of your souls expression. For your physical self to reveal to you how the emotion of … mine was fear … has attached itself deep within your body, waiting for confirmation, and to be honored, before releasing.
    I returned for a second session with even more success.
    If only I lived in Austin, I would see her as a form of “tuning in”, as needed. She informed me that there is a specialist in my area. Yeah! She won’t be Monica though!
    If you are ever in the Austin area, make sure to see this miracle worker. She is a gem! 🦋

  67. I recently had a session with Monica . The therapy she administered was fantastic. Immediate results and release for my back and muscles.
    I wish I lived closer to Austin.

  68. I think Monica should call herself, Saint Monica!!! I worked with Monica five times at Lake Austin Spa. When I began I could not cross my legs, Today it is a different story. St. Monica has the ability to pinpoint exactly where the problem is, and goes after it. Aquastretch is terrific, I only wish it was available in more locations outside Texas…


  69. I had the pleasure of Mony helping me with Aqua Stretch, when I visited Cedar Park Austin, early December 2019.
    I found the class by accident and was excited to try a new massage type. I get land massages but find their limited how deep you can dig into the muscle.
    My body challenges: I have a full hip replacement, juvenile arthritis since Age 14 and osteoarthritis in neck, bone on bone in knee and neck. Im 60.
    I gave up thinking I could get any movement back into knees and neck. I have hope again.
    While I did an easy, slow move underwater, Mony would push all the extra inflammation out around my knees.
    Knees cant be worked on via a massage table, too painful. I was thrilled to see her working on the puffiness and tightness!!.

    Its a hot water pool so you don’t get cold. My favorite move was squatting down into the water, Mony sat behind me and dug her elbows into my extremely tight scapula’s.
    I call it the smiling pool .Other swimmers were getting help moving and I was happy having some immediate looseness in my joints.
    I am going back for another hour as I have VERY tight muscles . The fascia work is terrific idea and Mony does it well!!!

  70. Hi Monica,
    I wanted to thank you for your help/treatment this past week at the Lake Austin Resort!! I came back talking non-stop about it to my mother who has struggled with frozen shoulder for years. We are both curious to learn more and experience healing through this type of treatment. Do you by chance have a list of other practitioners like yourself? We live in Chattanooga, TN and are wondering if there may be some closer to us

  71. I had a myofascial release treatment with you for my hip and knee…
    I am a runner and we talked about races…I did the tabata class with you after my aqua stretch session!
    I have since then been able to do my weighted squats at CrossFit and ran 5 miles this morning with minimal right knee discomfort! I’m pleasantly surprised!! And can’t thank you enough!!
    Do you know somewhere in the Seattle/Portland/BC area that provides the aqua stretch? Otherwise I’m going to have to visit Austin every 6 months!!

  72. I am a 21 year old tennis player, and have played tennis since I was 5. I have experienced one treatment and I am incredibly surprised by the result. I have had hip surgery on both of my hips 3 years ago, and they have been bothering me still, and not a single treatment has been helping so far. After the Aqua therapy, I have been able to move my hips in angles that exceeded any of my movement in the last years. Very pleasantly surprised and definitely recommend anyone to give it a try.


  73. What a blessing to have been introduced to Mony and Aqua Stretch! I was still having pain after 15 months from a broken arm. Mony worked with me for a couple sessions and I saw immediate improvement. Not only was my arm much better but my lower back and leg pain that I have struggled with for years has not reoccurred. I have found the under-water stretching technique is much more tolerable for my body that other healing modalities I have tried. I’ve seen immediate improvement and Mony makes the whole experience very informational and enjoyable. This last week I fell and came to my Aqua Stretch session limping and in pain. After just 1 session I was able to walk without pain and have continued to improve. Thanks so much Mony for your caring heart!

  74. Thank you Monica for the wonderful myofascial release session. Since my lumbar fusion, my back gets tight, and you were really able to get to spots that a typical massage cannot. I felt like I had a new body! It is wonderful to know about this aqua-therapy, and I do the hip stretches you showed me in my pool at home. You are an amazing healer. Thank you again, it is so wonderful to experience a back that isn’t gripping anymore.

    Somehow, I hurt my back really bad as I was returning from a family vacation. I sat for a long time at the airport and suddenly when I stood up my back just tightened up so bad that I couldn’t move at all without pain. Then, I sat again during the flight and the 3 ½ hours in the car in my way back home. That night my back was not only painful but it was so restricted that I couldn’t lift one of my legs to take my shoe off without help. Next day I was fortunate to have had an AquaStretch treatment by Brooke Barber, a nice lady I just trained this year and who is also into the Physical Therapy Assistant program. The next morning, I had more mobility and a little bit less pain. I continued AquaStretch by myself for a week and now my back feels so much better. Thanks, George Eversaul, for this amazing technique.

  76. I had a total knee replacement in Oct 2018 and did not have adequate physical therapy (+ other health issues) for the 1st 3 months – resulting in stiffness and lots of scar tissue. The surgeon prescribed 4 months of physical therapy (Jan – April) and I saw little to no improvement. The knee was not straightening and was less than 90 degrees in flexibility, resulting in pain with every step and limping. The surgeons’ option is to have a revision of the joint – another surgery to scrape out the scar tissue, which comes with more risk and more scar tissue. As luck would have it, I found Lake Austin Spa and Monica! In the 6 sessions, much improvement has been made! The tissue around the knee is softer and movement is better. I can get out of my truck and start walking. Previously, I had to stand and wait until it straightened some and the pain subsided before I could walk. I actually walked up and DOWN a flight of stairs normally the other day. I can’t thank Monica enough for her expertise and help in breaking up the scar tissue. I am so relieved that I won’t limp forever or require another surgery! She is amazing and so is the aqua stretch process!

  77. Dear Monica,

    I just spoke to Cindy, the gal you were with in the water for a treatment this afternoon.
    She said her time with you was life changing and every moment was better than the next.
    She is “over the moon” in terms of the time spent with you and can’t say enough fabulous things about you and the time spent together!

    Thank you so much for all that you do. You are incredible!

    With much gratitude,

  78. Moni,

    You are a life changer – and I’m so grateful to be a part of what you do. Thank you is not enough. You’re an Inspiration to all of us.

  79. The year was 2005 when some friends in Dallas purchased an old 20 foot sailboat and decided to take it to the lake. I was invited to try it out making it a total of four. The lake was Ray Hubbard and that day in the summer, the wind suddenly died down and we were stuck right in the middle of the boiling shallow lake. I got impatient once I saw the fish were dying and floating to the surface and decided to start rowing from the cabin top, reaching way down to the water level and only on the right side of the boat. Long story short, two days later, I was feeling paralyzing pains in my lower back that lasted for years to come until just a year ago when Monica gave me a demonstration of Aquastretch and my pain went away and I was able to sit and stand much faster. I do confess though, Monica’s pressure to release the fascia did actually hurt a bit, but that was nothing and only a few minutes compared to the years of pain and limited movement I had suffered for so long. Thank you Monica!

  80. Hi Monica,
    Thank you for helping me in the pool with myofascial release at Lake Austin Spa last week. I really did feel a lot better. I now understand that it is important to continue to keep this full range of motion in my shoulder and arm.

    I also want you to know how interesting and hopeful it was when you shared your background with water in your life and the story of your sister growing up in Monterrey.
    Thank you,

  81. Monica, my hip honestly feels better than it has in quite a while!

    Thank you so much for your help.

  82. I cannot recommend Monica and her myofascial release therapy highly enough. For over 15 years, I’ve had issues with my left shoulder hunching forward (remnants of an old rotator cuff injury). I went to a class, and then an individual therapy session, at the Lake Austin Spa. It was a revelation. The mobility in my injured shoulder improved tremendously in just a short time. My shoulders were actually level with each other! I’m continuing to do the exercises back home in Chicago and looking for someone with whom I can continue my therapy … I cannot imagine that they will be as great as Monica, but I feel so much more optimistic and empowered to keep looking until I find what I need because of her expertise and encouragement.

    Thank you so very much, Monica!

  83. I recently had a session with Monica at the Lake Austin Spa. Fabulous! I just have general aging situations- tight neck and shoulder muscles, sore knee, etc. What a wonderful experience! I do deep tissue massage every week or so but if I had the resource of Monica nearby, I would do it every week. Can’t recommend the therapy enough or rave more about Monica! Try it!

  84. I have had Type I diabetes for 24 years, which, despite being well-controlled, has still left me with some irreversible side effects. I have mild neuropathy in my feet and ankles, resulting in less range of motion and sensation. My vocation also causes tenseness and pain in my neck, back, and shoulders. After one session with Monica (Mony), I noticed a significant improvement in my range of motion, level of pain, and overall circulation. The color returned to my face–something even my family members noticed! I wish this was a resource available to me where I live. It is my hope that the benefits of this treatment will continue to be shared with others and that more instructors and pools to house these sessions will be made available. Individuals of all abilities (not disabilities) and those with or without pre-existing conditions can benefit from this therapy, at every phase of life. It is my hope that I will see Mony sooner rather than later so that we may continue our work! I’m eternally grateful to have been introduced to her and to this game-changing aqua therapy.

  85. I had a knee surgery in March 2018 and trying everything to heal completely from it. PT, Shots, Exercise, Diet. I tried Aqua Stretch yesterday with Mony and my knee feels really good today. She also released a major knot I have had for weeks in my neck area. My whole mood changed immediately from the release of that tension. I look forward to doing more sessions with Mony and receive the benefits from Aqua Stretch. My faith has been restored that I can heal completely from this surgery. Thank you!

  86. I was in a car accident in October 2018 that caused injuries on my left ankle, leg, hip, shoulder and neck. My doctor and chiropractor were able to help alot but my left calf would not quit hurting. They finally did xrays in January to see if there was a hairline fracture but there was not. My doctors said it could take months or years to get better. It hurt deep in my leg. I went to three sessions with Mony and now my leg does not hurt!! Amazing!! She has really helped me over and over with my myofascial problems. It amazes me how aqua stretch can help so much!

  87. I have done lots of Myofascial Release treatment but never in water. Both of my hamstrings had been extremely tight for over a year, so I decided to try it. It was amazing. Monica hugely loosen up my hamstrings. There was no pain at all, unlike Myofascial Release in a doctor’s office. I was hoping to gain flexiblitly during this treatment, which i did, but I never thought it would feel good also. There were a lot of knots in my shoulders that she worked on and it felt amazing when she was finished. I will drive back to Austin for this treatment. So worth it!

  88. I had 3 sessions at Lake Austin Spa with Monica for plantar fasciitis. Was in terrible pain when we started and was 90% pain-free when we completed the sessions. I am continuing the massage in the bathtub!!! This is a miracle. Thank you, Monica.

  89. At Lake Austin Spa Monica did myofascial release on my shoulder and arm in the 90 degree pool. After 45 minutes I had decreased pain and increased range of motion. This was better than a (land) massage!

  90. Last year I had 4 major surgeries back to back. After a long and not too active recovery, the pain that developed in my back and legs was excruciating. I had to use a cane and it was difficult to sit down or get up. The quality of my life had gone to near zero. I tried to have the Neurosurgeon, pain doctor and Chiropractor determine the cause and find a non-surgical remedy. The Chiropractor recommended the YMCA and something called Aqua Stretch in the therapy pool at 91 degrees. To my surprise after several 30 minute sessions with Monica the pain and my cane were gone. I was very skeptical at first, but now I am a believer in Aqua Stretch. I will continue with the group sessions twice a week for 50 minutes. Thank you Monica, for returning to me the quality of life I expected in retirement.

  91. It was awesome! In one session Monica alleviated the pain in my neck. I’m going to find a practitioner in my home town to continue the work.

  92. My session with Monica in October 2018 was so helpful! Among other things, I had tightness and pain in neck/shoulder, and it resolved immediately. She was friendly patient and knowledgable. Highly recommend!

  93. My sessions with Monica were unbelievable!
    I have pain in my body especially my back and hips and on my left side I have a restricted stride and limited flexibility of my left foot. Aqua stretch helped with my pain and flexible, particularly lengthening my stride on the left side and balancing out my walking and more flexibility in bending and picking up things. My ability to sit for longer periods of time without pain has also increase.
    When I’m in Austin again, I will be visiting with Monica again!

  94. We had our first Myofascial AquaStretch treatment at Lake Austin Spa with Monica in late September 2018. We’ve visited the spa many times, and somehow we’d previously missed out on Monica before this visit. This has become one of our favorite treatments. We regularly see a massage therapist at home, who will often do good stretches to help with our flexibility. With Monica’s treatment in the spa’s pool barn, we were doing several of the same stretches, but when you’re in the water you have so much more range of motion. Your stress and tension will “float” away. Monica is in the water with you, supporting you and doing all the hard work. Its an amazing treatment which we highly recommend.

  95. After many years of chronic knee pain, Monica’s aquatherapy session gave me tremendous relief and to be able to walk normal for the first time in years. It felt like an unwinding of tight, knotted muscles and release of pressure from my head to my toes. I have had many, many forms of therapy over the years and had temporary relief, but this treatment is significantly more effective and lasting. I have now had another session with even more relief, and will continue to work with her in the future. Thank you Mony. You are a true healer!

  96. I posted a comment earlier but left out a very important result. I have had a lower back problem for several years and Monica gave me more relief in one hour than I have received from many Doctors and therapy.

    Thanks again Monica

  97. Visited lake Austin spa and resort and on 9-23-18 I signed up for a session with Monica Gutierrez for a moveaquastretch. It was fantastic my only regret was not doing it when we arrived so I could have done it at least twice. Monica was very professional. She explained everything in detail and gave me hints to do in my home pool.
    This was a great spa and if you go do not miss out on the moveaquastretch experience.

  98. Monica Was The Highlight of My Stay at Lake Austin Spa!!! Just returned from 4 nights and was fortunate enough to schedule two 50 minute sessions for her amazing Myofascial Release treatments in the pool barn. It is truly amazing what she is able to do in that amount of time. She comfortably stretched me into positions that I did not know I could do along with getting rid of knots in my back, hips, legs, neck and shoulders as well as eliminating the Plantar Fasciitis I’ve had for months and a recent flare up of tendonitis in my elbow! She also gave me tips to do at home! If I could have scheduled more time with her, I definitely would have! What a miracle worker she is along with being such a sweet, wonderful person who is so enthused to help and gets great joy from being able to do so! Looking forward to returning if only just for her and also to take my Mother who suffers from a fallen arch and foot problems. Thank you, Monica!

  99. I just got back from a lovely experience at Lake Austin Spa. It was an amazing stay. I have to say the highlight was Monica’s aquastretch exercises. I am a surgeon and work standing up . My shoulders, neck and lower back are always sore. In two sessions with Monica the tightness , knots and soreness were mostly gone. It’s an amazing technique I’ve never been exposed to before! You are a healer Monica! Thank you for your help! I’ll see you soon!

  100. Life changing! I have had chronic back pain for 10 long years, and yes, I tried every physical therapy, chiro, yoga, stretch, massage, accupuncture/pressure, inversion, lotion, potion, oil and pill to help find relief. Every day I was stiff and achy getting out of bed and some mornings just wanted to crawl right back in bed and not deal with the pain. It hurt if I sat, hurt when I stood, hurt to drive and hurt to take a deep breath, I just hurt. I met with Monica on a Monday for 1 hour and she literally changed my life! The combination of the resistance and stretch assisted by the water and Monica’s magic hands working to break up the “crunchy” knots in my back and neck gave me more relief than ANYTHING I’ve ever tried. Once she gets the fascia broken up, its gone! I might need to do follow up appointments with her quartly, but this is a fix, not a band aid. This is LIFE CHANGING for anyone dealing with muscle spasms, arthritis, scar tissue or just a nagging ache that won’t go away.

  101. Plantar fascitis went away with just one treatment ! Hard to believe if I would not have experienced it.
    THANK YOU, THANK YOU ! I feel great.

  102. I really enjoyed your demo at Lake Austin Resort last week. I am sorry our private session on Saturday times got messed up. I was looking so forward to it. I truly got so much relief from just the few minute demo. I would like to see if you have any recommendations for anyone in Louisiana (New Orleans or Baton Rouge area) or even Houston. I will definitely make an appt with you next time I am in Austin.


  103. I had two private sessions with Monica at the Lake Austin Spa and Resort, which were incredible. I fell down my steps 5 years ago and my right leg has progressively stiffened up which has caused my walking to become impaired. Monica was able to loosen the muscles up quite a bit and my walking has improved. I am really appreciative for the sessions I had and all that she taught me. Thanks again Monica!

  104. Thank you Monica;
    Myofascial Unwinding with painless Percussion is my speciality as a Massage Therapist at Galleria Spa in College Station Texas. Getting into the water with Monica encourages me to have this training to bring into our spa with our pool. I can’t wait to begin my training

  105. Hi Monica,
    I had a wonderful session with you a month ago at Lake Austin Spa. I felt so good, I would like to find an Aqua Stretch therapist in the Houston (north suburb) area. Please let me know if you can refer anyone.

    Thank you!
    Sara H.

  106. Monica helped with a chronic knot in my shoulder upper back which had been lingering awhile.
    I agree pinning the muscle while using the muscle in water is transforming!
    Wish Houston had trained people!

  107. I had a wonderful private class with Monica. She is very professional and has developed excellent techniques to help her clients.
    Thank you for introducing me to Aquastretch. You are amazing!

  108. My frozen shoulder disappeared! Along with the tension in my outer thigh which compensated for a torn MCL in my right knee (2012). Lake Austin Spa’s Monica Is amazing. Thank you!!

  109. Monica is a magician! I could not believe how wonderful was my first session with her. After working at a computer for 10-14 hours a day for several years, I never thought that I could regain joint flexibility in just an hour. She’s great and very knowledgeable. She is a healer!
    I would move to Austin, to see her regularly if my husband would agree.

  110. I went to Mony to treat my left leg for sciatica pain. During the session, she discovered stiffness in my right leg and worked to resolve that. That same evening I realized I could sit cross legged on the floor! I haven’t been able to bend my right leg into that position for at least 15 years! I always thought it was the onset of arthritis or old age! There really is something wonderful about this treatment.

  111. Hi Monica!
    Last year when I was at Lake Austin you did a completely wonderful and successful aqua myofascial release on my left IT. I’m a runner and now have problems on the right side. Would you kindly recommend a therapist in LA (preferably San Fernando Valley)?
    Wish I could come to Lake Austin just to see you!

  112. Monica Gutierrez was amazing and really helped my back/hip with her aqua stretch/myo fascial release

  113. What a great experience. Monica performed her magic at Lake Austin Spa. I have experienced this technique on land but much more comfortable in the water. Absolutely improved my shoulder and neck problem. Certainly will schedule this service in the future.

  114. Thanks again Mony,
    This time I had sciatica pain. It took only two 30 minute sessions to take the pain away. It hurt after the 2 sessions and then I realized that I was pain free. I was surprised that it was cured so quickly. I cannot say enough about this treatment. It is amazing how it helps.
    IF you have any pain, try this. It will help!

  115. Monica is magic! I suffered with plantar faciitis for 2 years and after one treatment with Monica I was much better. After 3 treatments – it was completely gone! She has repaired decades old injuries to my knees and is helping me with my shoulders. This is an incredible therapy and Monica is exquisitely trainer. Thank you, Monica!!

  116. I am a surgeon who visited the Lake Austin Spa Resort over Thanksgiving weekend and had several sessions with Monica with water tabatas and also myofascial release. It was INCREDIBLE experience for my abused surgeon’s body with multiple areas that are problematic. I felt like a new person with a completely relaxed neck and back after my myofascial release with Monica. She is not only great with what she does but also really sweet and caring. Will definitely come again. THANKS MONICA!

  117. I have had muscular-skeletal issues since birth. At 62 years, these issues are compounded by osteoarthritis throughout my body, causing pain and limiting my mobility. After one session with Monica, pain in my low back, hips and knees eased significantly. She is a true healer, combining intuition with skillful knowledge and technique. I only wish I lived in Austin, so I could work with her regularly!

  118. I have had fascia issues for over 2 years due to a marathon. I have tried everything ; pt work, stretching on my own, yoga, fascia work on land and NOTHING I have done helped as much as this technique. Monica totally understood the achiness and restrictions fascia issues have and also gave me easy transferable techniques that I can use on my own. Thank you, Monica, for your expertise and willingness to help me even when I returned to my home.

  119. Donna, I am glad I was able to help you with the AquaStretch technique. It always shows great results for myofascial release. Maintance is highly recommended, so I am glad you are already thinking about it. Best regards.

  120. I had a headache for about a week and a half. I asked Mony if she could help me. She worked on me for 30 minutes and was able to relax the knots and tightness in my neck and shoulder area. That night I slept like a baby for the first time in a week. It has helped me so much that I may set up regular appts. once or twice a month. I highly recommend Mony to anyone who has pain to see her. She is amazing!

  121. I had never heard of myofacial release under water until I was a guest at the Lake Austin Spa in September 2017 and received a demo. It was incredible! I signed up for a 30 min session the next day. What Monica can do in 30 minutes is remarkable. I have the tightest shoulders and found instantly increased range of motion that lasted a very long time. I would go so far as to say I am still enjoying increased flexibility two months later. I was amazed to experience tight painful areas knotted up when I tried to lift my arms over my head just melt away and disappear – instantly! I am not a person that ever takes time to write reviews, but this was such a memorable and valuable service to me that I saved Monica’s website and two months later I am getting around to writing this review. She is that good! Thank you Monica! 🙂

  122. I loved your aqua stretch treatments at Lake Austin Spa and am wondering if you know of anyone in Miami who provides them? My mom lives there and is 88 and would love them!

    Thank you so much,

  123. I received two Aqua Stretch sessions with Monica while I was in the Austin area in late August, 2017. I had been having right shoulder/deltoid discomfort for months with no real relief. I receive body work regularly – massage & acupuncture with occasional Rolfing sessions. I had just started with a Physical Therapist before leaving for Austin, and was utilizing some exercises she had given me to do regularly. No one modality gave me such lasting relief and range of motion as the Aqua Stretch sessions did. I liked that I worked with Monica on the stretches (not passive like a massage) and it was lovely doing all this in the warm water of the pool.
    I wish I lived closer to Austin in order to receive her work on a more regular basis.

  124. Monica I am so thankful you drove back in to the spa today to help me with your technique. You erased years of pain I have felt from too much sitting at my desk and bending over a computer. I wish I lived closer so I could come and see you but I am determined to find someone in Tampa. Thank you!!!!!

  125. Aqua Stretch is a life changing experience. I have arthritis in my knees that hurts all the time, after aqua stretch I am relieved of the pain for an extended time. I only wish I lived close enough to have a series to possibly make it permanent. Monica Gutierrez is more than remarkable, she has many years of experience, a wealth of knowledge, an amazing presence and touch.
    My 34 year old daughter in law had 1 session for her crossfit aches and announced “everyone should do this”.
    I highly recommend Aqua Stretch!

  126. The Aquastretch treatments with Monica exceeded all my expectations. I have suffered with what my doctors called Osteoarthritis for the last two years and the condition has prevented me from doing so many things I love……most notably, gardening. After 2 sessions with Monica, my range of motion has really improved and I feel more like my old self. Monica is so professional and it is evident she gets so much pleasure from helping to heal those who are lucky enough to experience her treatments!

  127. I am so thankful for Mony. She helped me with Aqua Stretch before I had surgery for a ruptured herniated disc in my lower back and is now helping me after surgery. I was experiencing constant pain around the surgery sight about four months after surgery. She worked on the adhesions that had formed and now the pain is gone! It only took 10 – 15 minutes of her working on it to relieve the pain. That was 3 weeks ago and still pain free! It is amazing how much aqua stretch can help.

  128. Monica was very flexible and accommodating with scheduling the appointment. She was on time and went right to work on my joints, starting with lower half and working up to the neck. Many trigger points were released during the session, providing immediate relief. I highly recommend a visit to Monica for anyone suffering from joint point. Aqua stretch is a wonderful alternative to surgery and pharmaceutical treatments. Great job, Monica.

  129. Monica is a true healer. I have spent many years in chronic pain. It can be debilitating so finding Monica at the end of my stay at LASR was a joyous discovery. Because of her knowledge and technique I had more range of motion, less muscle spasms. Just wish I had found her sooner! Thank you!

  130. Monica, I am so glad that you were at the Lake Austin Spa, and I was able to sign up for a session. Thank you so much for helping me gain more range of motion after my knee replacements. Can you recommend someone in Houston?

  131. Monica! Your treatment not only made me feel GREAT at the time I received it, but now, a week later, my right hip has a wider range of movement than it has for years. You truly know how to put people back together again. I just wished I lived near you!!! Best, Didi

  132. Recientemente que Mónica estuvo en Monterrey tuve la oportunidad de tener una sesión de aquastretch con ella y me pareció sanadora, relajarte y súper profesional.
    En particular traía problemas en la espalda baja y se me quitaron, así mismo tuve una cirugía de hombro hace 6 meses y sentí q me destrabo algunos nudos q tenía por ahí. Súper recomendable!!!

  133. Buenas tardes

    Mony muchas gracias por dar en Monterrey México estas sesiones de Aquastretch, de verdad fue un gran cambio en mi dolor de pierna después de solo una sesión. Después de varios meses de no poder dormir mucho tiempo sobre mi lado izquierdo, la noche después de la sesión lo pude hacer sin que mi pierna se acalambrara, increíble que solo una sesión haga estos cambios. Espero que cuando vuelvas a Monterrey nos avises para que pueda tomar otra sesión. De verdad muy recomendada esta terapia.
    Lupita Rodríguez

  134. Was at lake Austin spa last week. Was so glad Monica was still there.
    She helped me so much on my last visit, saw her 2 times and just love how she makes everybody
    I live in Houston, so I can see her offen.

  135. Hi Monica it’s Donna boyd from Houston.
    Saw you Thur. At lake Austin spa
    Until I get back to Austin, who would you refer me too here
    In houston

  136. I had the great luck of coming across Mony at the Lake Austin Spa and after my first AquaStretch session, I was hooked! I scheduled another session during my 3 day stay there and left feeling great and able to move my neck and shoulders and hips more freely than I have for months. It was such a great experience that I have found an AquaStretch therapist at home (in Cupertino) and am looking forward to my first session. I can only hope she is half as effective as Monica!

    Serena Miller

  137. Monica,
    BLess your for your knowledge. I have had right shoulder pain and into my arm for a couple years. I have gone to orthopedic dr and had some steroid injections but was no better. I have had several kinds of body work and nothing helped much. After just one treatment , I felt ever so much better. Now after 3 treatments the results amaze me. There is very little pain and big change in range of motion. I look forward to many more treatments with work on shoulders, neck……
    Thank you for your healing.
    Mary Kay

  138. I have been having a pain in my hips for years that I just assumed was a quark. To help with it I have been doing stretches and Yoga daily for to help with keep the discomfort managed.
    I had read about Myofascial stretch and wanted to see what it was like. The Aqua Stretch was like nothing I had tried before. Active massage, where I didn’t just have it done to me. Monica Gutierrez had me involved in helping to move though the tightness. I loved it. The results have been profound. So much so that 4 days later I am still talking about this experience.

    Thank you,
    Michelle Hope

  139. The Aquastretch sessions with Mony have helped improve flexibility in my lower extremities. Exercising in the water allows a greater range of motion than on land. I can feel definite improvement. Would recommend Aquastretch for anyone with arthritis or joint problems.

  140. Hi Mony,
    I just want you to know that i am so grateful to have met you. You introduced me to aqua stretch (myofascial release technique). I’m blessed. I was suffering from plantar fasciitis for several months. I could barely walk. Going to physical therapy. did not help at all… Until I found you. in our first session with you, the pain was relieved and I could step on my foot. I had a couple ( 3) more sessions. Pain was gone completely. The technique is so awesome and you feel like new. I would recommend this to everyone. Monica is awesome and shows so much passion for what she does and care for her patients. Thank you Mony…

  141. Monica, you helped tremendously when I had a tailbone problem! I intend to come to the spa every year for your treatment! Vera

  142. Monica,
    I had a session with you at Lake Austin Spa on Saturday, May 13. You worked on my right shoulder where I have been experiencing discomfort and limited range of motion for about 2 years. It was a great help! Can you recommend any one in the Jackson, Mississippi area who is skilled in myofascial therapy? Below is my email.

    Thank you!
    Paula Hood

  143. Thank you so much for your treatments. I so loved our time together at Lake Austin and meeting and working with you was the highlight of my trip.

  144. After my wife had spent a week at the Lake Austin Spa, she returned home talking about her aquastretch experience…relentlessly. She assured me that she thought it would really help with the left hip pain that I have had for over 20yrs. I had tried acupuncture, deep tissue massage, various forms of myofascial release and homeopathy for the muscle tightness, limited range of motion and pain. No lasting results. Angela persuaded me to accompany her back to the spa the following week for four days of therapy. I’m sure it was all about me. It was amazing. I had three treatments, but noticed immediate results following the first one. My range of motion was better than it has ever been. The pain was gone completely by the third session. I was sold!!!
    I have returned for a follow-up/maintenance visit 5 weeks later. At least that is what I call it. Im sure it was not necessary, but I just feel so much more flexible after a session…I may be addicted.

    Thank you Monica…this has been a game changer for me.
    ps..Angela’s hip pain is gone as well and it has been 2 months. She has been hauling our granddaughter on her hip for the last week, so may need a return follow up for her…I hope:)

  145. I had an AquaStretch session with Monica this past week at the Lake Austin Resort & Spa in the hope of getting better range of motion from my right shoulder. I had rotator cuff repair surgery 4 months ago (full tear of suprapinatus), and my right shoulder has been very slow to recover due to excessive stiffness (and rehab compromised by ulnar nerve pain). Although I had been doing traditional PT religiously in NYC and CA before my session with Monica, the progress had been very slow. By the end of a single session with Monica, I nearly regained full range of motion reaching upward. Because the change was so dramatic after a relatively soothing treatment in warm water, it literally brought me to tears – of joy! I never would have believed it if I hadn’t experienced it myself. I just wish I could have stayed longer because I believe Monica when she says that she could have me back at 100% with just 1 or 2 more sessions. She is a very gifted therapist, and I wish someone had recommended this treatment to me months ago. Just wonderful.

  146. I was recently a guest at Lake Austin Spa and it was there that I discovered Monica and her skillful and caring use of AquaStretch massage. I booked two sessions with her and wish I could have stayed for several more. I have been dealing with hip pain and working in the water with Monica was a remarkable experience of opening and relief. Thank you so much!

  147. Monica I was in your aquastretch treatment last week at the Lake Austin Spa. You were incredibly helpful in relieving most of the pain in my knee. I would like to continue since it has helped so much.
    I am now back home in Minnesota and am hoping there is someone in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area who is trained in this technique. If you know of anyone, can you please send their contact info on to me?

    I can’t thank you enough for the treatment and the adjustment. It has helped me tremendously.
    Thanks so much for your help.

  148. I had one session with Monica while at the Lake Austin Spa and Resort that was amazing. I had never heard of myofascial aqua release, and I must say that I am impressed with the results. Monica provided relief for my hip (recent replacement surgery) and back soreness in one session that I have not successfully received employing other therapies. I am so impressed with the technique that I asked Monica to help me find practitioners in Houston, which she has done. I hope they are as proficient as she is at this profession.


  149. My thirteen-year-old son have had 17 surgeries on his back and he was having a lot of pain due to all the remaining adhesions. I decided to try AquaStretch and I am so amazed that with only 4 sessions he is feeling much better. Thank you Monica for all your help with my son, thank you for doing your job with passion and for letting us know that everything is possible. See you soon and best wishes to you.

  150. Today I took an AquaStretch session and I felt very relieved of a pain that I have had in my back and my neck since I had fallen and I was having some sequels and discomfort. This therapy being of low impact by the water is very effective and there were some movements that, outside of the water, would have costed me more work and pain, which was not so, on the contrary, I was able to perform all the exercises and the discomfort went away. I felt much relief after the session. I will continue to take it! I loved it! The facilitator is very friendly and professional. Thank you very much!

  151. I am a runner who has been experiencing low-back and sciatic pain as well as tight hip and leg muscles. The two aquastretch sessions I had so far were wonderful! Mony patiently isolates the problem spots and with strength and precision works them out. Thanks, Mony, for the great job you do!

  152. I had been going to a chiropractor for two months to treat pain on my shoulder and arm from a fall. The pain worsened during last summer due to stress and I was waking up in bed with shooting pain on my shoulder and through my arm. It was hard to put my left arm behind my back. After trying “Aquastretch“, I realized that Mony performed similar myofascial release techniques but when done in the warm water it was much less painful than when done at my chiropractor’s office. In combination with the stretches, I leave the session feeling much looser and very relaxed. After five sessions with her, I noticed greater improvement in the mobility of my arm. We are still working on decreasing the fascial build up on my shoulder but I have confidence that we will get there with a few more sessions.
    Thank you Mony!

  153. I have had a few one hour sessions with Mony and each time I come away feeling so much better. I have chronic pain in many areas of my body from a severe car accident many years ago and thought it was just something I had to live with or have surgery to fix, until I met Mony. She is diligent about finding the right spot to work on and has been a big part of relieving my pain. I found I am able to walk easier and do things that were too painful before the session. She even worked on some areas that I didn’t realize were tight. She definitely is the best! Mony truly cares and has a deep concern for each person she works with.
    I highly recommend Aqua Stretch and put all my trust and confidence in Mony.

  154. I am so glad that I have found Mony! I have been having AquaStretch sessions with her every two weeks for the last four months. I have never been much of a “water” person but I can’t wait to get into the warm water therapy pool for these sessions. She has helped me so much with all my medical problems. I have two herniated disks in my lower back that cause sciatic nerve pain and back pain, fibromyalgia, plantar fascitis, arthritis, and chronic pain. Mony does one hour sessions with me that have improved ALL of these conditions. It has helped me to have less pain, improved movement, and to be more hopeful and positive. She truly does care about each person and the pain that they are experiencing. My chiropractor has even told me repeatedly that these sessions are such a big help to my health and his ability to work on my back. Thank you Mony so much for all you do to help me! I highly recommend it!

  155. I have had 3 different sessions with Monica. She installs a feeling of trust and confidence because she is so good at what she does with myofascial release. I felt so much better afterwards.

  156. I have attended one Aquastretch session with Mony so far and I’ve already seen a significant improvement. I am 13 months post partum and have had hip issues since the end of pregnancy and they have never gone away. I wasn’t getting much pain relief from other therapy methods and thought I would try this. In just one session my pain has decreased at least 40% and I have been able to walk without limping! I plan to seek out a few more sessions so that I can continue to heal. It was a great experience and Mony was professional and very skilled!

  157. I had my first aqua stretch session this week and it was amazing! I feel so loose and had no soreness the next day…can’t wait for my next session!

  158. Hi Mony. A friend of mine posted about you on Facebook and I’m very interested. Will you please email the details of where and when I can get the aquastretch treatments. Thank you very much.

  159. I’ve had 3 sessions with Mony, and felt better after each time. I had a knee replacement 3 1/2 months ago, but despite professional physical therapy and rehab exercise classes, there were still tendons that just wouldn’t lengthen, and were painful, so I wasn’t making as much progress as I wanted with extension and flexion. AquaStretch is like the opposite of a massage, where you lay down and the masseuse works with her hands. With AquaStretch, you repeatedly make the motion that hurts (ie, move the place that is painful), and your AquaStretch therapist applies pressure to that spot/knot/tension to release it and break down the strong, tough fascia that’s limiting your movement. Mony confirms with her experienced hands when she finds the painful spot that needs therapy. Pain relief is instant, but for me it returned the next day, but at a much lower level. Several sessions may be needed: Mony said folks average about 6 sessions.

  160. What an amazing pain relief technique! During my session with Monica today, I felt immediate results. She worked her magic, and I am so grateful. I also have a much improved range of motion. Monica’s care and precision make this treatment unparalleled in pain relief. I’m so glad I was able to experience this remedy. It’s like no other.

  161. Dear Monica:
    Thank you for all of the help and wonderful guidance in the world of water with “Move Aqua Stretch” and your water exercises.
    Your patience and Kindness to my needs where so deeply appreciated.
    I look forward to our next sessions when I am in Austin.
    With my warmest greetings and best wishes.

  162. Sandy,
    It was a pleasure to meet you and I am really happy that you are feeling so good after just one session of AquaStretch. I will email you the contact information in Las Vegas so you can have additional treatments. Have a safe trip home !

  163. Thank you Monica! The aqua stretch class you taught today was fabulous! The treatment I had with you was by far the best spa treatment I have ever had. I look forward to another one during my spa stay. I feel like a new person and hope I can find someone in Las Vegas (where I live) to have additional treatments. You are awesome! Thank you again. Sandy

  164. What a great help if you have pain that won’t go away!! Seven months ago I had a knee replacement, followed by 4 months of therapy. I was still having much pain and difficulty moving. I was NOT just sitting around, but exercising, riding a recumbent bike and doing water aerobics….and still not getting the relief. Then Mony told me about the aquastretch technique and WOW….it was such a big help for me!! I can bend my knee so much better and can walk taller and straighter with barely any limp. I FEEL so much better all over!! I plan to do a few more treatments over the next few months to help my arthritis and fibromyalgia. THANKS, MONY, for doing this technique!

  165. Monica, thank you so much for the wonderful treatments on Sunday morning. I have to say that my knee is feeling better than it has in a year!! I don’t think I even realized that I was in constant pain until Sunday afternoon when there was no pain. I really want to find someone locally to continue this treatment. Thank you so much for turning me on to this and for being so wonderful!! Hope to see you again one day at Lake Austin Spa! All the best and thank you again.

  166. A wonderful technique that left me feeling so much looser after only one session with Monica. I only regret that I don’t live in town to be able to take advantage of AquaStretch on a regular basis. I will definitely plan more sessions during my next visit to the area!

  167. On February 27, 2016 I had a session with Mony. In the warm therapy pool, she performed aquatic stretches on my neck, back and hips. Upon exiting the pool, I could walk better and my back, neck and hips were more relaxed without the soreness pain. Thank you Mony!!

  168. Mony is wonderful. I’ve had sciatic pain for two months… I went to Austin when my pain was very severe on my left side. After one hour session with all different stretches in the water, I felt much better. I recommend Mony !!

  169. Mony is wonderful. I work full time on a computer 40 hours each week and my neck was just so stressed that I was not able to turn my head right or left at all. After just one hour session with Mony my neck was relaxed with full range of motion. You get into a warm therapy pool which is just so wonderful and you begin the AquaStretch session. I recommend Mony to anyone who is experiencing any sort of pain in their body. Cheers.

  170. Monica, I wish I lived in Austin! My leg had not felt so good since before my injury. Thanks for showing me what I could do on my own. I hope your still at the Spa the next time I’m there!! I am a very satisfied client. Sally

  171. Good morning, Monica! Thank you so much for your help last week. The aquatic release you did on me truly helped my knee which has been a source of chronic pain since my accident 5 years ago. I hope to be able to meet with you again when I am in Austin. Please let me know how I can reach you for private sessions. I am most grateful and wish you the best!

  172. Thank you so much for moving me around in the water. You got to places on my body that a land massage doesn’t get to. I feel much more relaxed and I am going to walk my dogs next! See you next month. Dawn

  173. Mony! Thanks so much for bringing us Aquastrech, keep going with the good work.
    Good Luck!

  174. Monica did more for me in 2 myofascial sessions than 5 years of countless physical therapy sessions for chronic neck and knee pain. This is truly the future for pain relief. After my time with Monica, I woke up without pain for the first time in years. She gave me a wonderful gift and I look forward to finding someone local in Dallas to help continue the treatments and progress to ensure the pain does not return.

  175. Monica, thank you so much for working on me last week as it really made a difference.

  176. Hi Mony,
    What a pleasure it was to meet you this past week. My two sessions with you were AWESOME!! You made me a believer in Aqua Stretch. Thank you VERY much!! Hope to travel to see you in one of your locations.

  177. Joanne,

    I am so glad I was able to help you. AquaStretch is an amazing technique. Let me search to see if I can find someone in San Francisco area and I will get back to you.

  178. I’ve tried different modalities like acupuncture and chiropractic and the aches and pains in my hips and neck always returned. On Saturday, I had an aquastretch session with Monica and I cannot stress enough how great it was to work with her. I feel 75% better and now I want to either move to Austin (I say that jokingly) or find someone in San Francisco (where I live) to help me.

    Monica- Do you know of a good practitioner in San Francisco who might be able to help me?

  179. Margaret: I offer AquaStretch sessions at Spas, Resorts, and Recreational Centers in the Northwest Austin, TX area, as well as on a private basis.
    I will send you an e-mail with detail information. Thanks

  180. If I would just be in Austin, my old favourite hometown, I would be there every week and it would make my life perfect. I know that you are the best. I love your dedication and caring demeanour. I wish you all the best. Now I have one more reason to come back to Austin fast. See you soon.

  181. Hi Mony,
    I wish Robert and I lived close enough to you so that I could be a client of yours with all of your hands on experience. You are such a lovely lady and I hope your website will bring in more people to know you and your caring treatment.

  182. Hello Mony !
    It’s so great to see your professional webpage ( being developed. It is about time, since I am sure many people can benefit from your applied skills and dedication of aquastretch in the Austin area.
    I wish you the best!


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